The corn maze is an Edmonton institution loved by local families.
A Growth Opportunity
We were looking for an interesting way to raise our local profile, so we decided to partner with a family favorite institution. I approached the Edmonton Corn Maze about partnering for their 2017 maze design.
Because it was such an unlikely marriage, it also provided a great way to generate coverage for an upcoming game, Anthem. At the time, not much was known about the title, so the maze gave us a chance to build interest without having to reveal any product information.
Along with a member of our business development team, I oversaw the partnership and negotiated details with the corn maze team. They weren’t familiar with our industry, so we needed to convince them we were operating in good faith. We also assured them our design and on-site promotions would be family-friendly and cater to a general audience.
After the deal was set, I was in charge of promotions and media outreach. Knowing the number one question people would have when we announced would be, “Why?” I leaned into the absurd nature, writing a tongue in cheek press release.
The release generated a swath of local coverage, as well as international coverage from gaming industry press. As a result, the corn maze had their most successful year ever, breaking previous attendance records.